Heterogeneity in Monetary Transmission: Sectoral and Regional Effects


  • Héctor Bravo L.
  • Carlos García
  • Verónica Mies
  • Matias Tapia


Different studies have analyzed monetary transmission in Chile and the effects of monetary policy on aggregate macroeconomic variables. However, valuable information could be obtained in a more specific analysis of the impact of monetary shocks on the components of aggregate activity. Thus, this paper studies the disaggregate effects of monetary policy, distinguishing three different classifications: private spending (consumption and investment), economic sectors, and regional unemployment. The paper finds significant heterogeneous effects in the disaggregate impact (both in size and in length) of monetary shocks. In most cases, these effects are consistent with the theoretical implications of monetary transmission channels.


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How to Cite

Bravo L., H. ., García, C. ., Mies, V. ., & Tapia , M. . (2003). Heterogeneity in Monetary Transmission: Sectoral and Regional Effects. ECONOMÍA CHILENA, 6(3), 5–26. Retrieved from http://xn--economachilena-5lb.cl/index.php/economiachilena/article/view/61




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