Fear of Floating and Exchange Rate Policy in Chile


  • Jose De Gregorio
  • Andrea Tokman


The paper reviews the exchange rate management experience in Chile, with particular emphasis on the floating exchange rate regime implemented in 1999 and its two forex intervention episodes. It presents evidence on Chile’s favorable conditions to deal with exchange rate shocks: a well-developed financial sector, that offers hedging opportunities taken up by the corporate sector to decrease its vulnerability through balance sheet effects; and a low and decreasing level of passthrough from the exchange rate to prices. These elements contribute to diminish the costs of the floating exchange rate regime, reducing its implied financial and price instability threat, and therefore avoiding fear of floating. Moreover, it provides enough credibility to the current exchange rate system, reinforcing the commitment to making interventions a rare event.


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How to Cite

Gregorio , J. D. ., & Tokman , A. . (2005). Fear of Floating and Exchange Rate Policy in Chile. ECONOMÍA CHILENA, 8(3), 29–54. Retrieved from https://xn--economachilena-5lb.cl/index.php/economiachilena/article/view/80


